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  • What is the time duration allowed for guests to upload their photos and/or videos?

    Users are given a 3-month window starting from the event date to upload their photos, messages, and videos (if included in the package). After this period, the gallery will no longer accept any new content. Both you and your host will have 12 months to view and access the gallery from the date of the event.

  • Is it possible for users to remove photos from the gallery?

    Users can only delete photos/videos that they have personally uploaded.

    Users do not have the capability to delete content uploaded by others - only the host retains the ability to remove any and all content if deemed necessary.

  • Can users download from the gallery?

    Absolutely! If your host has enabled this functionality for users, you will have the option to download photos. When guest photo downloads are activated, a download icon will appear in the corner of each photo. Clicking on this icon will allow you to download the full-resolution version of the photo stored in the background, not just the compressed thumbnail view for faster viewing.

    Hosts can activate this feature by accessing their host dashboard and navigating to "Set UP + Settings" where they can toggle this option on.